Monday 13 July 2015


               Till now we have understood that there is a basic property which is associated with  elementary particles which is called ELECTRIC CHARGE . Now question arises that how can you define electric charge .

                In real scenario it is very difficult to define charge as it is hard to define Mass , Time and Length . We cannot have a proper definition of ELECTRIC CHARGE but we can define a system of CHARGES by comparing it with a standard body of charge . There is a mystery here that we don't know what is the exact value that we intend to measure . 

                         The SI unit of Charge is coulomb abbreviated as C . 1 coulomb of charge is the current flowing in a wire in one second if the electric current in it is 1 amp
The charge on a proton is :
       e = 1.602176565(35)×1019
  The charge on an electron is the Negative of the above value. 

Sunday 12 July 2015


Till  now we have discussed about the extra Force called ELECTRIC FORCE and property responsible fro these force is CHARGE . Now we will try to look at their natures . The electric force between the two Electrons is the same as the electric force between the two Protons . With the help of above statement we can conclude that the strength existing between two electrons is the same as the strength existing between two protons .

                   Now we may guess that the amount of charge in an electron is  the same as the amount of charge in a proton . if you keep one electron and one proton in a box then they attract  each other with the same force as they repel . Since , here the force is repulsive not attractive . we came to a conclusion that the charge on an electron repels the charge on another electron but attracts the charge on a proton . It seems that amount of charge is same but of opposite nature . We arbitrarily for the purpose of convention call charge on an electron as negative and charge on a proton as positive.

               It doesn't mean charge on a proton is more because it is positive and charge on an electron is less because its negative , the convention is purely made for the representation of their OPPOSITE NATURE . If we pack a proton and an electron in a box then bring another electron in the box at a distance then we see that there is no change in the electron proton system which means that the new electron brought near to this system doesn't gets pulled or pushed by this electron-proton system .

              The above system shows the possibility of Net charge , positive charge and negative charge .

Saturday 11 July 2015

Brief Explanation of an ELECTRIC CHARGE

Before going in deep with  electric charges , we need to know about universe a little more . universe is made up of matter and matter is made up of various elementary particles . In our present discussions all those particles are of no concern , we need to know about only three particles and they are ELECTRONS , PROTONS AND NEUTRONS . They have their respective masses as 9.1 x 10-31 kg ,1.672×1027 kg and 1.6×1027  KG.


Mass and Nature of Elementary Particles

Symbols Of Elementary Particles

Now we have understood all about the masses of these particles . Because of the masses of these particles they intend to attract each other due to gravitational forces . when you will keep two electrons in a box then they attract each other because of their masses but we can see that they repel with greater force . Now the question arises that what is that extra force which helps both of them to repel each other . We call that extra force as ELECTRIC FORCE . Electric force is very large as compared to gravitational forces . With the help of the following equation , we can compare both the forces of nature

Comparison Of Gravitational and Electrical forces

                               Until now we understood that there exists an electric force , now a question arises that which property of these particles causes them to repel . We call that property CHARGE . Charge causes these particles to repel each other . Now if we apply the same story for protons ; if we keep two protons in a box then we see the same result of which electrons behaved  . But it is not in the case of Neutrons , neutrons play a little bit different with these kind of experiment ; it means if you keep two neutrons in a box then they are going to attract each other because of their masses but they do not repel each other because they don't have the so called property CHARGE .
                             We have understood about the charges and the masses of these three fundamental particles and we have come to the conclusion that Electrons and Protons both have Charge and Mass but Neutrons have mass but no charge .


This audio lecture will help you to understand the concept of electric charges check it out for audio lecture

Do you want to LOVE PHYSICS ; HE will make you to do it

check this out - HE is going to make you LOVE PHYSICS  . For Physics lover and to know about what holds our WORLD together Click here For the LOVE of PHYSICS

Check This Out - What holds our UNIVERSE together .

Its very difficult to know what holds our universe together , so that we can actually understand the nature of universe . Universe is a complex fundamental unit , it is the reason that we are alive but the pint to find is what is that property which is holding our universe together .

                Don't worry its not a difficult question , the simplest answer to this is ELECTROMAGNETISM . Now you may be thinking that how can it be electromagnetism ; isn't there any other thing which hold it , most probably yes , it will be MASS but this property doesn't contribute that much as compared to ELECTROMAGNETISM .

               So now another question arises what this ELECTROMAGNETISM is all about . Don't worry about that also , its all around us in our daily life . The most basic example in our daily life to give the importance of ELECTRICITY are ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS such as POWER STATION . But that was a simple one more example and that is For your muscle contraction you need ELECTRICITY ,you may think how is it but my aim is not to tell you in detail but to make you understand the importance of ELECTRICITY  . Your HEART cannot  beat without ELECTRICITY .
Horses cannot run without electricity Nothing can happen in universe without ELECTROMAGNETISM .